
Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 6 NFL Picks

We're back with the Twitter Picks, 140 Characters or less. Last week +22 Units, this week will likely be a bloodbath. Without further ado....

Friday, October 9, 2015

Daily Fantasy Sports - The Offensive Lineman for Gambling

Make no mistake about it, Daily Fantasy Sports (DFS) is popular and it's here to stay. Even with recent allegations of "insider trading" and an overall lack of regulation of the industry, this doesn't change the simple fact that America is yearning for something greater - the legalization of Sports Gambling.

Week 5 NFL Picks - In 140 Characters or Less

Sanjs Twitter picks:

let me tell you who you should take in the most generic 140 characters or less.

*****= 5 units
* = 1 unit 

I'm a professional so listen to everything I say... or don't and save yourself from an awful Monday morning. It's my birthday this weekend, so what could possibly go wrong?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Back for More... The Columbia University Edition

More than anything I've always wanted to use this space to project my thoughts and ideas into the ever adapting and changing industry that is Sports. Recently I was lucky enough to get accepted to Columbia University's M.Sc in Sports Management. Seems like a program that was molded specifically for me... and so far it has been. The one quibble is that I've enrolled at another university for no major athletics program, although I've been told to watch out for the Lions Basketball program - more on that to follow later in the year (potentially). I've been enamored meeting everyone in my program so far and hearing about the many unique backgrounds that have led this current class to where they are currently. However, while we all have a shared passion for sports, it's apparent to me I think one thing sets me aside from everyone else (save one other nutjob) in the program is my passion to fantasy sports and the gambling aspect of sports.