
Thursday, September 27, 2012

2012 NFL Week 4 - There is a greater being

I went through an emotional roller coaster this week. Never in my life did I think I could feel the way I felt about the NFL on Monday Night around 12:24 am. I reacted emotionally and did things like vow to not watch the games until they fixed their problems. I went so far as to leave a voicemail for Roger Goodell. I was morally deflated that my football had gotten to the level that it did after "Water-Tate". Now that the refs are back am I happy? Sure. No longer will inadequate refs be responsible for split second decisions that have the ability to determine outcomes on the game that I've come to love so much. But something about me changed this week. I realized that I'm way too attached to these games. It's borderline unhealthy. So this week - things will change. I'll start my process of detachment by only making picks. No writing, no researching, no knowing every little tidbit about the games or the story lines. At the end of the day - its entertainment and so I should treat it as such - not a job or a class. Plus it will allow me to spend more time on things like pranna brunch and cock pushups. Without further ado the picks for this week...

Thursday September 27th, 8:20 ET - NFL Network
Cleveland at Baltimore (-13)

Sunday September 30th
Carolina at Atlanta (-7)
New England (-4) at Buffalo
Minnesota at Detroit (-7)
San Diego at Kansas City (-1)
Seattle (-2.5) at St. Louis
San Francisco (-4) at NY Jets
Tennessee at Houston (-12.5)
Miami at Arizona (-6) - Best Pick
Cincinnati at Jacksonville (-2.5)
Oakland at Denver (-6.5)
New Orleans at Green Bay (-7)
Washington at Tampa Bay (-2.5)
NY Giants at Philadelphia (-2.5)

Monday October 1st, 8:30 ET - ESPN
Chicago at Dallas (-4)

Thanks, bye.

This Week: 0-0
Season: 28-19-1
Best Picks: 2-1

1 comment:

  1. Give the fans what they want!! dont be selfish

    lets discuss at Pranna for brunch
